- 投标人有递交方案及签订合同的权利,而不需要额外许可或事先得到同意;递交投标文件的代表或人员应获得正式授权。
- The bidder has the authority to submit the proposals and conclude the contract without any additional approvals or consents not previously obtained ; its representative or the person executing the bidding documents is duly authorized .
- 第三十七条中标通知书发出30天内,中标单位应与建设单位依据招标文件、投标书等签订工程承发包合同。
- Thirty days after the tender award notification is sent out , the successful tenderer and the construction developer shall execute the project contract on the basis of the bidding documents and the book of tender .
- 未中标的投标单位应在接到通知后7天内退回招标文件及有关资料,招标单位同时退还投标保证金。
- Unsuccessful tenderers shall return the bidding documents and relevant materials within 7 days upon receipt of notification , and the bid invitation unit shall refund the tenderer the deposit .
- 村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。
- Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces .
- 然而,政府在挑选合作伙伴时没有采用投标竞争机制,导致贿赂成风。
- However , the government never set up tender contests to pick its corporate partners , encouraging corruption .
- 但他们表示,在投标过程中,安全是中央政府关注的一个问题。
- But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender .