- 摘要关于刘勰的文体学思想,既往研究多偏重于就文体论文体,理论系统性不是很强。
- Traditional research on liu xie 's viewpoint about stylistics , without close and systematic theory , paid too much attention to the style itself .
- 虽然现实中仍是柳传志说了算,联想的管理风格也已更加民主,参与性也更强,这一点与惠普不同。
- Although in reality mr liu still calls the shots , legend has evolved a more democratic and participatory management style , rather like that of hp .
- “*青年演奏家刘芳的琵琶演奏有非凡的表现力*”
- “ * the pipa ( kind of lute ) of the young Liu Fang , with the very expressive style