- 克里姆林宫(以及aar集团)更希望将英石油拖进俄罗斯商界深处并且能够对它施加更多的影响,而不是想把达得利先生再次赶走。
- Rather than wanting to chase mr dudley away again , the kremlin ( and aar ) are keen to draw bp deeper into russian business and gain more influence over it .
- 但是基于我们对海水淡化对环境的影响还存在很多不确定因素,因此很难得出一个确定性的结论,国家研究委员会认为。
- But uncertainties over the environmental impacts of desalination make it hard to draw definite conclusions , the national research council concluded .
- 克里姆林宫(以及aar集团)更希望将英石油拖进俄罗斯商界深处并且能够对它施加更多的影响,而不是想把达得利先生再次赶走。
- Rather than wanting to chase mr dudley away again , the kremlin ( and aar ) are keen to draw bp deeper into russian business and gain more influence over it .