- 我现在转变为弹性工作。
- I am converted to flexible work .
- 保持你的计划表的弹性。
- Be flexible with your schedule .
- 经济已经处于灵活可变的状态。
- The economy is already flexible .
- 使用舒适柔软的床单和被子。
- Use comfortable soft sheets and comforter .
- 它们真的很柔软很可爱。
- That 's really soft and lovely .
- 他变得柔软一副绅士腔调。
- He had a soft and gentle touch .
- 我的妻子非常温柔。
- My wife is very gentle .
- 其它地方的教练可没这么温柔。
- Elsewhere some trainers are less gentle .
- 这是因为民主党人太过温和与好说话吗?
- Was this because the democrats were too gentle and accommodating ?
- 这更关乎于柔软双唇的简单与自然之美。
- It 's more about the simple , natural beauty of supple lips .
- 大蒜是皮肤柔软,光滑,指甲刚硬。
- Garlic helps make skin smooth and supple , and strengthens nails .
- 在1823年,他为世界上首个真正能够防水,并柔软到能够穿戴的防水布料申请了专利。
- In 1823 , he patented what was the first truly waterproof fabric , supple enough to be used in clothing .
- 同样是投资过剩现金高产流动资产.
- Similarly excess cash is invested in high yielding liquid assets .
- 然而,在国内推行汇改将有很大的困难,因为此举可能被视为屈服于外部力量。
- However , selling the move domestically will be tricky because it could be seen as yielding to external forces .
- 付出极大的劳动出产却很少。
- Yielding little by great labor .