- 游牧的图阿雷格人曾手持冲锋枪和步枪骑骆驼横穿北部贫瘠区域。
- Nomadic tuareg tribesmen , carrying kalashnikov rifles , once criss-crossed the barren north on camels .
- 当欧洲人1722年到达该岛时,发现它已经相当贫瘠,几乎没有居民。
- When europeans arrived in 1722 , they found the island mostly barren and its inhabitants few .
- 如果伊朗首都的居民想远离一下这个城市令人窒息的烟雾的话,他们常会跑到山丘上去,或者是到矗立在德黑兰北边郊区的那些荒芜的山脉上。
- When residents of iran 's capital seek escape from its choking smog , they often head for the hills , or rather the barren mountains that soar above tehran 's northern suburbs .