- 泰国素以百果王国而著称,是盛产水果的国家,品种繁多,四季果香,享有“水果王国”美称。
- The thai element is famous by all kinds of fruit kingdom , is rich in fruit 's country , the varied assortment , the four seasons fruit is fragrant , enjoys " the fruit kingdom " the laudatory name .
- 科科纳果是在南美洲山区发现的另一种热带水果,它结在一种小型灌木上,用不了9个月,种子便可奇迹般地长成果实,再过2个月便可成熟。
- Cocona fruit is another tropical fruit found in the mountainous regions of south america . It grows on a small shrub , and can miraculously grow from seed to fruit in less than 9 months , after which the fruit will take another 2 months to ripen .
- 科科纳果是在南美洲山区发现的另一种热带水果,它结在一种小型灌木上,用不了9个月,种子便可奇迹般地长成果实,再过2个月便可成熟。
- Cocona fruit is another tropical fruit found in the mountainous regions of south america . It grows on a small shrub , and can miraculously grow from seed to fruit in less than 9 months , after which the fruit will take another 2 months to ripen .