- 尽管爱默生的实用主义思想和他本人的师长式派头使得他贬低了具有超前意识的梭罗,随着人们生态意识的不断增强,梭罗在人们心中的地位却越来越高。
- Because of his pragmatic ideas and mastership , emerson depreciates thoreau 's advanced concept . However , due to a growing ecological consciousness , people value thoreau more and more highly .
- 贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,这一评价实在令人“难忘”。
- Mr Berlusconi 's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama , whom he memorably described as “ young , handsome and tanned ” .