- 但当我们把例子略为改变一下,不谈飞马而谈伯克利学院的又圆又方的屋顶时,怀曼的全部富丽堂皇的可能事物的宇宙似乎就会化为泡影了。
- Still , all the rank luxuriance of wyman 's universe of possibles would seem to come to naught when we make a slight change in the example and speak not of pegasus but of the round square cupola on berkeley college .
- “这里是给百灵鸟的一块好草皮,”一个男孩说着开始剪下小雏菊周围的一平方草皮,小雏菊因此留在草皮的中央。
- " Here is a fine piece of turf for the lark , " said one of the boys , and began to cut out a square round the daisy , so that it remained in the centre of the grass .
- 不见得,有的下水道井盖就是方的。的确也有圆的,不过我也见过正方形的和长方形的。
- Feynman : they 're not . Some manhole covers are square . It 's true that there are some round ones , but I 've seen square ones , and rectangular ones .