- 看着像一沓折叠的美元钞票的创意枕头。
- Creative pillow looks like a stack of folded us dollar banknotes .
- 带着两条长腿的舒适u型枕能带来最大的享受。
- Comfort-u pillow comes with two long legs for maximum comfort .
- 用防水布制成的巨型枕头能够当成床来使用。
- Giant pillow made from waterproof fabric cab be used as a bed .
- 这样便可阻止新立法提案通过。
- That will block new legislative initiatives .
- 现代研究发现细胞因子会阻碍老鼠的记忆形成。
- Modern research has found that cytokines block memory formation in mice .
- 他们的思维没有被会阻碍直觉的个人想法所占据。
- Their minds are not filled with personal thoughts that can block intuition .