- 果实看上去有点像松果,直径约10厘米,坚硬的瘤状果皮下,是芳香的白色果肉,内含几粒种子,尝起来有点奶油冻的味道。
- The fruit looks a bit like a pine cone , and are about 10 cm in diameter . Under the hard , lumpy skin is the fragrant , whitish flesh of the fruit , which covers several seeds inside , and has a slight taste of custard .
- 就这样在别人家的草坪上拿个松果蹲了两分钟之后,我意识到那是只死松鼠。
- After about two minutes of silently squatting on someone 's lawn holding a pine cone , I realized the squirrel was dead .
- 洛杉矶警方今早证实,昨天名声狼藉的军火走私贩子洛伦佐-隆巴多被发现死在了松果酒精康复中心。
- Lapd confirmed this morning that notorious arms smuggler , lorenzo lombardo was found dead at the pine cone rehabilitation , yesterday .