- 跑道上机场专车来回穿梭。
- The airport shuttle on the runway .
- 成群的装甲运兵车在狙击手警觉的目光下穿梭。
- Armoured personnel carriers shuttle troops under the watchful gaze of snipers .
- 在一条南北向的铁路上,火车已经开始穿梭于中越之间。
- Trains already shuttle between china and vietnam , which has a north-south railway .
- 从薄如芦苇的事实中,网民得出了灌木丛般错综复杂的传闻,王立军到美国领事馆寻求政治避难了。
- From this thin reed of fact came a thicket of online rumours that mr wang had fled to the consulate to seek asylum .
- 农民、拾苇、牧牛的人们还在工作,但是他们说如果这种状况不得到改善,就很难继续下去了。
- The farmers , reed gatherers and buffalo herders keep working , but they say they cannot continue if the water stays like this .
- 芦杆笔蘸下墨水,就可以迅速写下这种字。
- This was a letterform that could be jotted down quickly with a reed pen dipped in ink .