- 这便是今日裁军领域暗流汹涌的状况;引领一个核武器数量大大减少的未来世界带来了新的危险。
- Such is the disarmament minefield of today . Navigating a future world of much lower nuclear numbers presents new hazards .
- 未来世界中的基督教末世论。
- Christian eschatology in the future world .
- 谈到关于未来世界经济的构想时,普京呼吁在国际法基础上的强有力的通货以及全球宏观调控。
- Setting out his ideas for a future world economy , putin called for strong currencies and global regulations founded on international law .
- 就像许多勘察员一样,他并不苦苦寻求灵魂或来生的证据。
- Like many investigators , he 's not necessarily seeking proof of spirits or the afterlife .
- 而且,如果你选择正确,它可能使你的来生快乐得多。
- And , if you pick right , it may make an afterlife far more pleasant .
- 苏茜自己的来生里有学校,但没有老师,没有薄荷味的冰激凌,也没有时尚杂志。
- Susie 's own afterlife has school but no teachers , peppermint-stick ice cream and fashion magazines .
- 它的永恒是由冷漠构成的。
- Its eternity consists of indifference .
- 这是一件他们会永远后悔的愚蠢抉择。
- That is a foolish decision they will regret for eternity .
- 永恒对我来说有什么意义。
- What does eternity matter to me .