- 如果我们划掉他的名字谁会真的计较呢?
- Who would really care if we cross out his name ?
- 理论上,投票人有权对候选人表达自己的不慢,然后在选票上划掉这个名字,但是实际上还没有这样的情况发生。
- In theory each voter has the right to express his or her discontent with the candidacy of a would-be representative and cross out the name in the ballot but no such cases are known in practice here .
- 如果我们删掉他的名字谁会真的计较呢。
- Who would really care if we cross out his name .
- 从这个文件夹里把这个文件删除。
- Delete that file from the folder .
- 我相信除了简单地耸耸肩然后删掉它们,我们还可以做更多的事情。
- I believe we all have a duty to do more than simply shrug and delete them .
- 微博客有义务删除有问题的帖子。
- Microblogs are required to delete questionable posts .
- 最后,如果一个人认为他底名誉受损的时候,这种意见也是增加并加重怒气的。
- Lastly , opinion of the touch of a man 's reputation , doth multiply and sharpen anger .
- 鉴于粮食供应的这种紧张局面以及粮食对政治的影响,供养90亿人口的举措将加剧地缘政治冲突,加快正在出现的转变。
- Given these strains , and the political ramifications of food , efforts to feed the 9 billion will sharpen geopolitical conflicts and speed up shifts that are happening anyway .
- 政治上的受挫可能会激化联盟内部的政策纷争,自由民主党正在加强要求减税的压力,基督教社会联盟也加入了这一行列,后者几乎与前者一样,对自己的未来感到紧张不安。
- Political setbacks could sharpen policy disputes within the coalition . The fdp is stepping up pressure for tax cuts , joined by the csu , which is almost as nervous about its own future .
- 其一必然是巴以纠纷。
- One inevitably is the israeli-palestinian dispute .
- 人们就银行家薪酬大幅上升的原因展开了激烈的争论。
- It is a matter of fierce dispute why banker pay swelled .
- 此次调查源于公众围绕2009年预算赤字数字的争论。
- The investigation follows a public dispute over the 2009 budget deficit figure .
- windows实际上可以理解前面文件名种的前斜线,尽管通常使用反斜杠当做目录分割符。
- Windows actually understands forward slashes in filenames even though it normally uses a backslash as the directory separator .
- 端口名不可以包含反斜线。
- The port name must not contain a backslash .
- 那个符号是斜线还是反斜线?
- Is that symbol a slash or a backslash ?