- 不要让亲密的人觉得被排斥或被拒之门外。
- Don 't make close companions feel excluded or shut out .
- 但是这也可能潜在地使他们排除另外的观点和知识,而这些正是没有被他们的朋友圈子所分享的。
- But it could also potentially allow them to shut out alternative viewpoints and information that is not being shared among their set of friends .
- 一个银行在它的借贷市场被关闭之后,只能以帐面价值很小比例的价格被售出。
- The bank was sold for a fraction of its book value after it was shut out of lending markets .
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 这个争论延续到今天。
- It continues to this day .
- 战争给人们带来伤痛。
- War brings suffering to people .
- 因此他们回归到翅膀。
- So they revert to wings .
- 屠医生也说,戴隐形眼镜也有风险,如可能会发生严重的感染。
- And as dr. tu said , contact lenses carry risks as well , including the possibliity of serious infections .
- 屠呦呦从葛洪的《应急处方》中发现青蒿有治愈疟疾的能力,其中记载道“取少量青蒿,浸于2升水中,然后滤出液体,饮用”。
- Tu discovered a passage in the handbook of prescriptions for emergencies ( 340 ce ) by ge hong that referenced qinghao 's malaria-healing capacity . It said " take a handful of qinghao , soak in two liters of water , strain the liquid , and drink . "