- 少量的杏脯浓缩了大量的钾,纤维,铁和β-胡萝卜素,并且能量很低。
- A handful of dried apricots has concentrated amounts of potassium , fibre , iron and beta carotene while also being low in kilojoules .
- 逛完种类庞杂且存货丰富的食品市场,再坐在桑树的树荫底下简单地吃点温热的扁面包、杏干和腰果之后,就到了搜寻地毯的时候了。
- After a visit to the sprawling and richly stocked food market , and a simple picnic of warm fatir flatbread , dried apricots and cashew nuts under the shade of a mulberry tree , it is time to seek out some carpets .
- 这些含有坚果、梅脯和干杏仁的甜点马上将披上一层巧克力。
- These sweets with nuts , prunes and dried apricots are going to be covered with chocolate soon .
- 杏、甜瓜和西红柿也释放乙烯。
- Apricots , melons and tomatoes also release a lot of ethylene .
- 我希望我们能在饮食中加入杏仁,它是我们预防衰老的秘密武器。
- I hope you incorporate apricots into your diet as your own anti-aging secret weapon .
- 英国农民已经在试种杏、桃、扁桃和橄榄;将来,可能也能种植硬质小麦、大豆和玉米之类的主要农作物。
- Already british farmers are experimenting with apricots , peaches , almonds and olives ; in the future , staple crops such as durum wheat , soya and maize might become viable , too .