- 他力荐自己的忠实下属德米特里.梅德韦杰夫作为总统继任者,自己则扮演全能总理的角色。
- He anointed his loyal subordinate , dmitry medvedev , as president and himself assumed the role of all-powerful prime minister .
- 弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)昨日将其总统任期内属下权力最大的几名官员转至俄罗斯政府内阁,进一步支持了他将以总理身份继续占据国家权力中心的观点。
- Vladimir putin shifted several of his most powerful former presidential officials to the russian government yesterday , bolstering the view that he will remain the centre of national power as prime minister .
- 尽管普京在名义上屈居梅德韦杰夫之下担任总理职务,实际上他一直是俄罗斯政坛最有权力的人物。
- Despite being nominally in the junior job of prime minister , mr putin has remained the most powerful figure in russian politics .