- tube-and-wing概念低于能源效率目标大约8%,高于噪音排放目标12分贝,collier说。
- The tube-and-wing concepts fall about 8 % short of the energy efficiency target , and up to 12db short of the noise reduction target , collier said .
- 襟翼是两翼上各一对的平面,可以向外伸出从而增加机翼的表面积。
- The flaps are a pair of flat surfaces on each wing that can extend outward to increase the surface area of the wing .
- 一名特技跳伞员从一架滑翔机的驾驶舱爬出来并顺着机翼爬行,接着一个筋斗翻下机翼踏到下方航行的另一架滑翔机的机翼上。
- A skydiver pulled off an amazing stunt when he climbed out from the cockpit of a glider and crawled along the wing - then somersaulted under the wing and stepped onto the wing of a second glider travelling below .