- 如果你要表达的信号太弱或者没有意义,就算用上世上最熟练的手部动作也帮不了你。
- The most adroit hand gesture in the world will not save you if your message is weak or nonexistent .
- 德拉吉想要证明自己既是中央银行的行长,又是一个老练的外交家和政治家。
- Mr draghi is proving to be as adroit a diplomat and politician as he is a central banker .
- 作为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,su还使自己的公司tmt成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。
- An adroit player of the volatile , relatively new paper market in freight futures , mr su has also turned tmt , his company , into a leading operator of real tankers and dry bulk ships .
- 其它板块的声音用来一种很巧妙的方式。
- Others block sounds in ingenious ways .
- 这个精巧的鸟窝,其实是一个打印的盖子扣在咖啡罐上。
- This ingenious birdhouse attaches a printed front end to a coffee can .
- windows8的“metro”界面背后的概念的新奇和精巧令人耳目一新。
- The concept behind windows 8 's " metro " interface is refreshingly novel and ingenious .
- 另一个目标是快速响应。
- Swift response is another aim .
- 但是腿部的快速移动需要力量。
- But swift leg turnover requires power .
- 共和党人对此反应快速并充满嘲弄。
- The republican reaction was swift and derisive .
- 科南特对教育机会均等的执着追求不仅是美国社会和世界教育改革潮流的要求,也是其自身对教育功能深刻认识的结果。
- Conant 's strong desiring for equality of education opportunity not only met the needs of american society and the reform of education in the world , but also was the result of his profound understanding on the function of education .
- 当代美国教育家科南特在其教育思想与实践中始终坚持教育机会均等的基本原则,这不仅体现在他对教育机会均等的具体论述中,而且渗透在他的普通教育思想、英才教育思想以及综合中学建议中。
- As a contemporary american educator , conant insisted on the essential tenet of equality of educational opportunity all along which embodied not only in his concrete address , but also in his idea of general education , meritocracy and his advice of comprehensive high school .
- 前明尼苏达州州长波伦蒂(timpawlenty)的顾问科南特(alexconant)说,从上一轮的结果来看,很难说选战打得早、资金很充实就有多大的优势。
- ' If you look at the results last cycle it 's hard to argue that being early or being big was much of an advantage , ' says alex conant , an adviser to former minnesota gov. tim pawlenty .