- 你对经济学术语掌握得相当扎实。
- Your grasp of economic terminology is quite secure .
- 这是马克思主义术语资产阶级和无产阶级古老的一环。
- The marxist terminology of bourgeois and proletarian has an archaic ring .
- 斯大林主义者在这些政治术语的应用上没有多少选择的余地。
- The stalinists are less choice in their application of political terminology .
- 惠普公司发言人说,palm的一系列术语将得到更新和调整。
- H-p 's spokeswoman said that palm nomenclature would be changed in an update .
- 这个因子产生了“o阳型”或“ab阴型”的命名。
- This led to the nomenclature " o positive " or " ab negative . "
- 至于目前的版本是不是“真正的lte”,这是一个纯技术派感兴趣的术语问题。
- As for whether today 's version is ' true lte , ' this is a nomenclature issue that mainly interests technical purists .
- 但是,行话正在清晰地出现。
- But the jargon is clearly coming along .
- 平奇,你满口的科学术语令我震惊。
- Your scientific jargon staggers me , pinky .
- 用术语来说,你的手套是完全、或近乎完全的互补品。
- Your gloves are , in the jargon , perfect or near-perfect complements .