- 许多阿根廷的合同继续以比索计价,因为货币发行局并没有消除当地货币。
- Many argentinian contracts had continued to be denominated in pesos , since the currency board did not eliminate the local currency .
- 如果他们不通过“冲销”(sterilization)这一过程抵消印钱的影响,即央行通过发行本币债券来吸纳资金,那么货币供应量将膨胀。
- If they don 't counterbalance the effects of that money printing with a process called ' sterilization , ' in which the banks sop up money by issuing local currency bonds , the money supply can swell .
- 从根本上说,外汇储备的作用在于避免货币危机:当贬值趋势失控,就可以调用美元来够买本币。
- At root , fx reserves exist to avert currency crises : when devaluation spirals out of control , dollars can be deployed to buy up the local currency .