- 而绝热变化项与非绝热变化项的作用与经典气旋模型相同,气旋发展的最终结果是具有与经典锢囚气旋类似的热力结构。
- The adiabatic change and non-adiabatic change had the same effect as the classic cy-clone pattern . At the last stage , the thermic structure of the b-cyclone was like that of the classic occlusion cyclone .
- 令欧洲各国领导人感到不安的是,本次峰会将重蹈去年11月g20法国戛纳峰会的覆辙,未能取得任何实质进展就草草收场,显示世界各国(尤其是欧洲各国)领导人在市场和经济风暴面前无能为力。
- European leaders are nervous that the summit will follow the same script as the cannes g20 last november , which broke up without any material progress , showing world leaders , and europe in particular , to be impotent in the face of market and economic storms .
- 这些人包括kinkyfriedman,一个乡村歌手,同时是一位喜剧演员,他上次作为独立候选人竞选州长一职;tomschieffer,一个温和派,有些谈话要点和hutchison夫人相同。
- These include kinky friedman , a country singer and comedian who ran for governor last time around as an independent , and tom schieffer , a moderate who has some of the same talking points as mrs hutchison .