- 一个歌迷在他的车刚刚(inawillywonkamoment)开车出了停车场的那一刻就冲着车窗外尖叫道。
- One fan screamed out of his car window in a willy wonka moment as he drove out of the parking lot .
- 威利罗曼是一个妄想的谎言家,还伴随着老年性痴呆和潜在的双相障碍。
- Willy loman is a delusional fabulist with signs of senile dementia and possible bipolar disorder .
- 1970年,当西德总理维利勃兰特(willybrandt)跪倒在华沙犹太人起义纪念碑前面时,许多德国人都认为他把问题夸大了。
- When , in 1970 , the west german chancellor willy brandt fell to his knees before a monument to the warsaw ghetto uprising , many germans thought he was exaggerating .