- 研究结果表明未婚女性要比已婚女性受到更多的睡眠影响。
- The results showed that unmarried women experienced more interrupted sleep than married women .
- 他们保持单身原因与女性正好相反:他们的选择太多了。
- They often stay unmarried for the opposite reason : they have too many options .
- 亚洲社会的态度改变缓慢,很多人认为一直单身是不对的。
- Social attitudes in asia change slowly , and many people think it wrong to remain unmarried .
- 一个单独的技术进步并不能解决所有问题。
- No single technological advance solves everything .
- 建筑企业更青睐年轻单身男性。
- Construction firms favour young single men .
- 业界也发现了让单个晶体管存储更多信息的方法。
- It has also found waysto get single transistors to store more information .