- 在孩子被拐骗后的前几个月当中,女孩的英籍母亲莎拉泰勒还曾见过女儿几次,但2007年圣诞节后,她与女儿失去了联系。
- Her british mother , sarah taylor , saw her daughter on a few occasions in the months after her abduction , but has had no contact with her since christmas 2007 .
- 从昨天起就和考尔德失去联络了.
- No contact with calder since yesterday .
- 每当巫医进入轻微恍惚的状态时就会获得超自然的能力,只需和患者有着少许接触甚至是无接触,就可为患者做外科手术。
- The shaman will enter a mild trance , where they gain the supernatural ability to perform surgeries with little to no contact with the patient .