- 他产生相同的安多芬,会像晨跑一样兴高采烈而不会有起床的烦恼。
- It yields the same endorphins and glow as a morning jog without the whole getting out of bed annoyance .
- 但愿人间真爱,都如彩霞般色*彩斑斓,哪怕只是过眼云烟。
- If only the true love in the world is variegated as the colorful morning glow , even if it likes a flash in the pan .
- 太阳越过地平线不需几个小时但,在最初紫色光晕的清晨,它是最后可能看到最后看到tempelfjorden最透彻的。
- The sun will not rise over the horizon for several hours but , in the first violet glow of morning , it is finally possible to see the whole sweeping expanse of tempelfjorden itself .
- 我想想看,我们最后一次见面是-“美丽的晨晕”
- Let 's see , the last time we met ...... - was la belle aurore .