- 在参与研究的人们中,那些日日夜夜在家里烧香的人比不烧香的人在整个呼吸道中患鳞状细胞癌的可能性高出80%。
- Study participants who used incense in their homes all day or throughout the day and night were 80 % more likely than non-users to develop squamous cell carcinoma of the entire respiratory tract .
- 麦克两岁了,他想要个沙池,他父亲说:“那样园子算是完了,不分白日黑夜都会有孩子来玩,而且他们会把沙子撒到花坛里去,猫会把那儿弄的一团糟,草肯定都会被折腾死的。”
- When mike was 2 , he wanted a sandbox , and his father said : " there goes the yard . We 'll have kids over here day and night , and they 'll throw sand into the flower beds , and cats will make a mess in it , and it 'll kill the grass for sure . "
- 在参与研究的人们中,那些日日夜夜在家里烧香的人比不烧香的人在整个呼吸道中患鳞状细胞癌的可能性高出80%。
- Study participants who used incense in their homes all day or throughout the day and night were 80 % more likely than non-users to develop squamous cell carcinoma of the entire respiratory tract .