- 你正在朝着自己的目标奋斗吗?
- Are you working towards your goals ?
- 克林愤怒地朝艾米莉巴恩斯打手势。
- Colin gestured towards emily barnes angrily .
- 快速掉头朝两个男孩骑去。
- I cycled sharply back towards the boys .
- 他们将面对一个老对手。
- They will face an old adversary .
- 中央银行面对诸多困难的抉择。
- Central bankers face difficult decisions .
- 它能同时放松腹部和面部肌肉。
- It works both the stomach and face muscles .
- 这个法庭是怎么说的?
- What did the court say ?
- 还有一些被送上了法庭。
- Others were hauled before court .
- 但最高法院不同意。
- But the supreme court disagreed .
- “我是个纯粹的夜猫子,绝对不是早起的那种人。
- " I 'm a total insomniac , definitely not a morning person .
- 第二天早上,女佣发现他在屋内自缢身亡。
- His housemaid found him hanging inside early next morning . "
- 早晨去上班时,我会……
- When I go to work in the morning , I ...
- 但是很多共和党人真诚地认为美联储购买债券的行为和导致疯狂通胀的鲁莽政治激进主义没有区别。
- But many republicans genuinely equate fed bond-buying with reckless government activism leading to rampant inflation .
- 当政治力量会维持美国在线这样的公司存活,消费者无疑会变得更糟糕并最终为此支付成本。
- While government force may keep companies like aol alive , consumers will surely be worse off and ultimately pay the price .
- 受政治贪污和令人费解的规章制度之害,庞大的电信行业目前也是四面楚歌。
- Another big industry , telecoms , is also in crisis , largely thanks to government graft and erratic regulation .
- 约沙法效法他父亚撒所行的,不偏左右,行耶和华眼中看为正的事。
- He went in the ways of his father asa , not turning away , but doing right in the eyes of the lord .
- 亚比央与他列祖同睡、葬在大卫的城里。他儿子亚撒接续他作王。
- And abijah rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of david . And asa his son succeeded him as king .
- 挪威国家石油公司(statoilhydroasa)和荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(royaldutchshellplc)分别持股27.5%和12.5%。
- Norway 's statoilhydro asa and royal dutch shell plc have stakes of 27.5 % and 12.5 % , respectively .