- 城市公共交通标志公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车站牌。
- Marks for urban public transport stop board of bus and trollybus and tramcar .
- 城市轻轨车辆、有轨电车、无轨电车、公共汽车。
- City light rail vehicle , tramcar , trolleybus , bus .
- 任何人不得在任何缆车车厢上或在处所的任何其它地方作出导致滋扰或烦扰其它乘客的行为,亦不得作出职员认为相当可能会导致滋扰或烦扰其它乘客的行为。
- " No person shall conduct himself on any tramcar or in any other part of the premises so as to cause , or be likely in the opinion of an official to cause , a nuisance or annoyance to other passengers . "
- 电车上的人和零散的路人奋力把那个女人解救出来。
- The people on the streetcar and scattered passersby worked to free the woman .
- 就在当天晚上,他被发现在电车轨道上流血致死。
- That night , he was found bleeding to death on the streetcar tracks .
- 电车上没有人,恩佐意识到,可以阻止事故发生。
- No one on the streetcar , enzo realized , could have prevented the accident .