- 最主要维护这种瘫痪状态的社会建制似乎是有神论的宗教和金融货币体系。
- The most dominant institutions which perpetuate this paralysis seem to be theistic religion and the monetary system .
- 然而,由于集中在毗湿奴和湿婆两位神身上有神论趋向在发展,正统宗教本身在这个时期正经历着变化。
- The orthodox religion itself was undergoing change at this time , however , because of the development of theistic tendencies that centred around the gods vishnu and siva .
- 有神论的宗教提倡一种固定的世界观,其根据的认知是「信念」并且拒绝逻辑和新的信息。
- Theistic religion promotes a fixed world view , with a " faith " based understanding that rejects logic and new information .