- 植物有机质的氧同位素分馏机制较为复杂,受着多种因素的影响,限制了其在农业、生态学和古环境方面的广泛应用。
- Because of the complex fractionation mechanism of oxygen in organic matter , the potential application of organic oxygen isotope is restricted in agriculture , ecology and paleoenvironment .
- 有机质对湖泊沉积物溶解态有机磷和无机磷吸附的影响。
- Effect of organic matter on the sorption of dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorus in lake sediments .
- Au-As-(Sb)型金矿床含矿建造的干酪根是Ⅱ型干酪根,其原始有机母质是还原环境中形成的海相菌藻类生物演化成的腐泥型有机质。
- \\ ; Kerogen in the orer \\ | bearing formations of the Aur \\ | Asr \\ | ( Sb ) r \\ | type gold deposits is of Type ⅱ, its original organic matter is sapropelic matter evolved from bacteria and algae formed in a reducing environment .
- 比如,文章赞美了som建筑事务所设计的金茂大厦,因其实用性和优雅如苏州古城楼而出名。
- For instance , the article finds praise for som 's jin mao skyscraper in shanghai , which is celebrated for its functionality and its elegant allusion to an ancient tower in suzhou .
- 索马里海盗刑事管辖权问题研究。
- On issue of criminal jurisdiction over som .
- 父亲劝他的儿子不要中途辍学。
- The father dissuaded his som from leaving school .
- 这里的基本思想是在内存中建立你确实想要的东西,然后更新dom。
- The basic idea here is to create exactly what you need in memory , andthenupdate the dom .
- 关于精确侦测一个对象是否是dom元素的讨论中,如果错误的原因是无效的element参数,该方法提供了比较好的信息。
- Discussions about accurately detecting whether an object is a dom element or not aside , this method now provides better messaging when it fails due to an invalid element argument .
- 杜母会帮我们的!
- Dom 's got us covered !