- 近来,这一努力的进展有所加快。
- Its drive has accelerated recently .
- 他最近在马赛怒喝道。
- He thundered in marseilles recently .
- 近来,油价和金价均大幅下挫。
- Oil and gold prices have plunged recently .
- 近来坚持这一立场并非易事。
- That has been a painful stance lately .
- 但近来,情况发生了变化。
- But lately things have gone wrong .
- 但近来这项努力无法得以继续。
- But the effort has been faltering lately .
- 而又有谁不会听取他最近、最亲的人的建议呢?
- And who wouldn 't take advice from their nearest and dearest ?
- 另一个网站则宣称,最近的隔间最少被使用。
- Another site claims that the nearest stall is the least used .
- 那辆拖着我们到最近市镇的的士同样破破烂烂。
- The taxi that towed us to the nearest town was just as bad .
- 最近这个群体甚至新增加了不少追随者。
- It has even taken on new adherents of late .
- 同克里姆林宫的关系近来已经更加棘手。
- Relations with the kremlin have become trickier of late .
- 现在有点晚了.他们可能在睡觉.
- It 's kind of late . Maybe they 're asleep .