- 当你的目标与目前的习惯相冲突时,为了实现你的目标你得改变你的习惯。
- If your goal runs afoul of your current habits , you 'll need to change your habits in order to achieve your goal .
- 今天,上诉法院裁决本案是认为联邦通信委员会颁布了一条旨在惩罚cbs没有事前声明而违反规定(打擦边球)的新政策是任意妄为而违法的。
- Today the appeals court ruled that because the fcc created a new policy in order to fine cbs for the offending aureola without announcing the change in advance , it acted arbitrarily and therefore illegally .
- 平衡是“渐变突变、持续间断、有序无序、和谐抗争”的有机统一。
- Balance is an organic unity of " gradual change and sudden change , constancy and interruption , order and disorder , harmony and conflict . "