- 你觉得浏览器将会在这张图表列出的手机中占据哪个位置呢?
- Where do you think the browser fits in on this graph for these phones ?
- 股价图显示出了有趣的两点。
- The price graph makes two interesting points .
- 看下面的图表,看看为什么调查对象更喜欢某种媒介而非另一种。
- See the graph below for why respondents prefer one medium over another .
- 现在情节又复杂了。
- Now the plot thickens again .
- 简单的情节有时候是最好的。
- A simple plot is sometimes the best .
- 对许多人来说,这一情节似乎荒谬。
- To many , the plot seemed absurd .
- 这个图有许多的不同之处。
- Click on chart for larger image .
- 我能要一张组织机构图吗?
- Can I get an organization chart ?
- 什么算是受欢迎的图表呢?
- What makes a popular chart ?