- 音乐和播放另一首歌曲。
- Music and play another song .
- 接着她开始演唱一首优美的爱情歌曲。
- Then she began a beautiful love song .
- 这首歌曲是一位农民谱写的。
- The song was composed by a farmer .
- 房门上绘画的灵感皆来自拉赫玛尼诺夫的乐曲。
- The room doors have paintings inspired by rakhmaninov 's music .
- 莫扎特有被空白乐谱纸吓倒吗?
- Was mozart intimidated by the blank sheet music ?
- 你不喜欢古典乐吗?
- Don 't you like classic music ?
- 面包制作中使用的是酵母。
- Yeast is used in break making .
- 拉格啤酒和更传统的艾尔啤酒之间的区别在于使用不同的酵母。
- The difference between lagers and more traditional ales lies in the yeast .
- 试验表明缺氧的酵母菌和蠕虫能在极寒中生存。
- Experiments show yeast and worms deprived of oxygen can survive extreme cold .
- 那些家伙在写下你最喜欢的曲子时在想些什么呢?
- What was the artist thinking when writing your favorite tune ?
- 谱首歌曲为他们在窗外歌唱---即使你拿不准调。
- Compose a song and serenade them even if you can 't carry a tune .
- 要合调我在it部门工作,这是一个男性主导的环境。
- In tune I work in it in a male-dominated environment .