- 黎明之前的价差总是最黑暗的。
- The spread is always darkest before the dawn .
- 没人想过缅甸民主的曙光会像雷声一样迅猛出现。
- Nobody ever expected myanmar 's democratic dawn to come up quite like thunder .
- 自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。
- Since the dawn of the commercial web , technology has eclipsed content .
- 白天总算过去了,甚至在暮色中她们还能看见那片孤零零的藤叶仍紧紧地依附在靠墙的枝上。
- The day wore away , and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall .
- 我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。
- The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden , a dim twilight , and a fountain singing to it .
- 这张照片摄于温暖的灯光出现在暮色降临的冷蓝色的光线交替的黄昏。
- This photo was taken at dusk when the light is changing and incandescent light appears warm against the cool blues of the twilight sky .