- 你的裸体婚礼必须不裸体。
- Is that your naturist wedding must not be naked .
- 更重要的是,这样做会对他们的整个中间派噱头提出疑问我这里所说的故事的寓意是,瑞安先生并不是仔细看上去赤身裸体的唯一皇帝。
- More than that , it would call into question their whole centrist shtick - for the moral of my story is that mr. ryan isn 't the only emperor who turns out , on closer examination , to be naked .
- 离开了他这些人就立刻暴露在党卫队和警犬的魔爪之下。他究竟到什么地方去了呢?
- Without him they would be naked in a world of dogs and ss men . Where was he ?