- 这就是大自然开的一个残忍玩笑。
- It is just a cruel joke of nature .
- 然而,他同样也会冷漠和残忍。
- But also he could be cold and cruel .
- 杀死如此美丽的生命真是太残忍了。
- How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty .
- 但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。
- But a brutal streak went with it .
- 2007在警察的残酷攻击下逃过一命。
- 2007 Survives brutal attack by police .
- 先前几局游戏对我来说很残酷。
- The first few games were brutal .
- 只要威严专横的俾斯麦大权在握,德国人就要忍受因循守旧的政府。
- Germans tolerated their archaic government so long as the brilliant and despotic bismarck was in charge .
- 乔治奥威尔大胆的告诉我们在专横暴虐的政权下这个世界会变成怎样。
- George orwell took the liberty to tell us how what the world look like if despotic and oppressive regimes took the upper hand .
- 这个行动可能导致专横的前任总统洛朗巴博(laurentgbagbo)受到起诉,他在选举失利后拒不下台,因而导致数百人死亡。
- This could lead to the indictment of laurent gbagbo , his despotic predecessor , whose refusal to cede power after losing an election led to hundreds of deaths .
- 类似的在任何一个独裁制度下,权力的拥有者因为从权力那里得到的快乐体验而变得越发暴君似的。
- Similarly in any autocratic regime the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford .
- 托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)说得好:“强迫一个人出资协助传播他不信仰,并且憎恶的观点,是罪孽深重的,是残暴专横的”。
- Thomas jefferson put it best : " to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical . "
- 从积极的方面来说,他们彻底结束了萨达姆的暴虐统治。
- On the positive side , they conclusively ended the tyrannical rule of saddam hussein .