- 最愚蠢的挑刺是一个皱着眉头的恶棍宣称的记者的签证在护照的错误页码上。
- The silliest quibble came from a frowning thug who declared that this correspondent 's visa was on the wrong page of his passport .
- 沃克没有在他以往混迹的街头上成为一个恶棍,恰恰相反,现在他是麻省一所州立大学的英语教授。
- Mr walker is now a professor of english at a state college in massachusetts , far from the streets he used to haunt as a thug .
- pussyriot被定罪将大大提高普京的“恶棍”名声。
- The conviction of pussy riot will do much to boost mr putin 's reputation as a thug .
- 专家提供了建议,该如何对付这些恶霸式的毒老板。
- Experts offer their tips on handling bully and toxic bosses .
- 恶霸双星是一对超大型恒星在一个更大的星团中绕着彼此运转的恒星。
- The bully is a pair of supersize stars orbiting each other within a larger star cluster .
- 后来得知恶霸自己也曾是学校里被恶意欺凌的对象也就显得不足为奇了。
- It was unsurprising to learn later that the bully had herself been the subject of vicious bullying at school .
- 而这些都是痞子调进南区分局和英雄一起之后发生的事。
- All these occurred after ruffian and hero were sends to southern sub-bureau .
- 你结婚这个恶棍,正确的,因为如果你不梅利莎只是可能而已。
- You marrying this ruffian , right because if you don 't melissa just might .
- 她对自己心里思忖道,知道如何火影忍者会有什么反应,如果他看见一个痞子抚摸她喜欢他。
- She mentally added to herself , knowing how naruto would react if he saw a ruffian touching her like he was .
- 分明就是个天天打架的流氓。
- Clearly is the hoodlum who fights daily .
- 最后祝和我一样的人光棍节快乐!
- Wish that person hoodlum festival same as me is happy finally !
- 光棍节之夜最牛的光棍睡姿。
- The hoodlum saves that night cattle ^ s hoodlum sleeps most posture .