- 大体类型:中、老年组以溃疡型为主,而青年组以弥漫浸润型为主。
- In gross types , ulcerative type was in majority in the middle and old age groups , while diffuse infiltrative type was dominant in the young age group .
- 悲伤和易怒可能出现在任何年龄层,从婴儿到白发苍苍的老人。
- Sadness and irritability can occur at any age from infancy to very old age .
- 澳康力中老年无糖型乳清蛋白粉以美国进口的浓缩乳清蛋白为主要原料,依据中老年人士所必需的营养成分和生理活动特点进行科学配比。
- Ao kang li the middle and old age does not have sugar whey albumen dried the concentration lactalbumin which to us imports is the main raw material , the nutrition ingredient and the physiological activity characteristic which the basis middle and old age public figure must carries on the scientific allocated proportion .