- 晚上的活动只穿白色。
- White only for evening functions .
- 汤姆对那天晚上的谈话记忆犹新。
- Tom vividly remembered that evening .
- 我们今天晚上又吃了一顿。
- We have eaten again this evening .
- 忧心的居民们在黄昏后就呆在家里。
- Worried citizens stay at home after dusk .
- 轻柔宛转,我于暮色中聆听一位女士的浅吟低唱
- Softly , in the dusk , a woman is singing to me ;
- 黄昏时一次空袭打死了清真寺里的5个人。
- An air strike killed five people in a mosque as dusk fell .
- 他们于下午晚些时候返回,看了日落。
- By late afternoon they were back , watching the sunset .
- 到日落时分,被打死军人的棺材还没有到来。
- By sunset , coffins of the dead soldiers hadn 't arrived .
- 日落条款只是虚晃一枪,目的是让这些举措看起来负担得起。
- The sunset provision was just a feint to make them look affordable .
- 最后一个例子:我和许多正统犹太人一起工作过,他们从周五日落开始,一直到周六日落,都要过安息日。
- One final example : I have worked with many orthodox jewish men who observed the sabbath from sundown on friday until sundown on saturday .
- 他们只用花几卢布,或是少量米,就能换来达利特女人的身体,尤其是在日落时分,许多村民会鱼贯涌入农田洗澡。
- For a few rupees or handfuls of rice , they are said to demand and get sex with dalit women , typically just after sundown , when the villagers troop out to the fields to ablute .
- 他们认为,举例来说,什叶派领导的反对派呼吁抗议者在一个重要的逊尼派节日日落时开始的先知穆罕默德诞辰展开行动是对自己的一种冒犯。
- They said , for example , that they were offended that the shiite-led opposition had called for the protests to begin on an important sunni holiday , the birthday of the prophet muhammad , which begins at sundown .
- 温州市政府的税收和土地出让收入在多年快速增长之后呈持续下滑趋势。
- Government revenues from tax and land sales in wenzhou have been declining after years of heady growth .
- 流动性下降将对消费者支出和经济产生灾难性的影响。
- Declining liquidity here will have disastrous effects on consumer spending and the economy .
- 奥巴马及民主党在中立的独立选民中的支持率持续下滑。
- Support for mr. obama and his party is declining among centrist , independent voters .
- 晚上的活动只穿白色。
- White only for evening functions .
- 汤姆对那天晚上的谈话记忆犹新。
- Tom vividly remembered that evening .
- 我们今天晚上又吃了一顿。
- We have eaten again this evening .
- 白天总算过去了,甚至在暮色中她们还能看见那片孤零零的藤叶仍紧紧地依附在靠墙的枝上。
- The day wore away , and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall .
- 我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。
- The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden , a dim twilight , and a fountain singing to it .
- 这张照片摄于温暖的灯光出现在暮色降临的冷蓝色的光线交替的黄昏。
- This photo was taken at dusk when the light is changing and incandescent light appears warm against the cool blues of the twilight sky .