- 忧心的居民们在黄昏后就呆在家里。
- Worried citizens stay at home after dusk .
- 轻柔宛转,我于暮色中聆听一位女士的浅吟低唱
- Softly , in the dusk , a woman is singing to me ;
- 黄昏时一次空袭打死了清真寺里的5个人。
- An air strike killed five people in a mosque as dusk fell .
- 妻子告诉我,来不及了。
- Too late , my wife told me .
- 由此,我进入了这样的模式。
- That got me into this paradigm .
- 谷歌:记得提醒我冷笑一声。
- Goo : remind me to laugh .
- 其中一间是全黑房。
- One of the cells is totally dark .
- 为什么他经常戴着深色的太阳镜?
- Why does he often wear dark sunglasses ?
- 这是一个阴暗邋遢的2月。
- It was dark and dingy february .