- 市场好像已经明白了这一暗示。
- It looks like the market got the hint .
- 甚至官方媒体有时也在暗示这一点。
- Even the official media sometimes hint at this .
- 帕特深德过去相关的立法记录将给予我们一点线索以猜测他目前所制定的计划。
- Mr paterson 's legislative record gives only a hint of what his own plans may be .
- 这种理论对未来有怎样的暗示呢?
- What does this theory imply for the future ?
- 但事情显然比各种暗示要复杂得多。
- But things are evidently more complicated than such categories imply .
- 这并不意味着直接的经济援助。
- That need not imply a straightforward bail-out .
- 但报告暗示了巨大的就业岗位流失。
- But reports suggest huge job losses .
- 我建议你也这样做。
- I suggest you do the same .
- 我建议选一个简单的。
- I 'd suggest an easy one .
- 在互联网上,这样的含蓄排序可以通过相互关系与其不对称性的检测而使之明显化。
- On the internet , such implicit ranking may be made explicit by measuring relationships and their asymmetry .
- 另一个较为含蓄的重要信息是,白宫在未来4年或8年做出的决策将至关重要。
- Another this one implicit is that the decisions taken in the white house during the next four or eight years will be critical .
- 希拉里克林顿对含蓄立场的声明,受到日本政府的热烈欢迎,标志着双边关系进入新阶段。
- Mrs. clinton 's vocalization of that implicit stance was warmly received in tokyo and symbolized the new level of bilateral engagement .