- 这些暗示的根源并没有被证实。
- The insinuation at its root has not been proved .
- 不是别人,正是施特劳斯-卡恩先生的妻子安妮辛克莱尔在一次采访中暗示了这一点。
- That is the insinuation of an interview given by none other than mr strauss-kahn 's wife , anne sinclair .
- 他的“女人必须想要在电视业崭露头角就必须要适应潜规则”的影射使得他的同僚蒙羞并全国范围内引发了“男性至上”的大讨论
- His insinuation that a woman must sleep her way to the top to work in television embarrassed his colleagues and set off a national debate about sexism .
- 即使是官方媒体有时候也会做出这方面的暗示。
- Even the official media sometimes hint at this .
- 有些书暗示的解决办法,从来都没有成功过。
- Some books hint at the solution but never really nail it .
- 空气样本中的其它线索暗示了这种沉积地是什么类型。
- Other clues in the air samples hint at what that sink is .
- 当然,我们不能仅凭一年的气温来推测全球气温的变化趋势。
- Of course , you can 't infer trends in global temperatures from one year 's experience .
- 研究员们还可以从这个外壳结构中推测出关于形成(过程的)时间表。
- The researchers could also infer from the shell 's structure a timetable for its creation .
- 发现一种动物以何为食的直接证据非常的有价值,我们不用再从它们的牙齿形状来推测它们吃什么了。
- Discovering direct evidence of what a fossil animal ate , rather than having to infer it from details such as the shape of its teeth , is always valuable .
- 一些人称它是“日本米酒”党,暗指美国茶党的运动。
- Some call it the " sake " party , an allusion to america 's tea-party movement .
- 比如,文章赞美了som建筑事务所设计的金茂大厦,因其实用性和优雅如苏州古城楼而出名。
- For instance , the article finds praise for som 's jin mao skyscraper in shanghai , which is celebrated for its functionality and its elegant allusion to an ancient tower in suzhou .
- 此书的名望来源于他写的几篇相关文章比如“雅语”“矫饰”“无用的典故”“独爱长单词”等。
- The book 's fame derives from the articles he wrote in relation to those matters - " genteelism , " " mannerisms , " " irrelevant allusion , " " love of the long word , " to name a few .
- 这种理论对未来有怎样的暗示呢?
- What does this theory imply for the future ?
- 但事情显然比各种暗示要复杂得多。
- But things are evidently more complicated than such categories imply .
- 这并不意味着直接的经济援助。
- That need not imply a straightforward bail-out .