- 高温毫无疑问会杀死精子。
- No doubt heat kills sperm .
- 你可能会问,为什么封堵高温消息呢?
- Why block the heat , you might ask ?
- 一些人能比其它人更能适应高温。
- Some people naturally adapt to heat much more than others .
- 医生们说,中暑的发生,有时候很少有征兆,甚至可能在你剧烈运动半小时后就会发生。
- Heatstroke can strike with scant warning , even after as little as a half hour if you are exercising hard , doctors say .
- 但美国心脏协会(americanheartassociation)的建议却是,对中暑患者应采取缓慢温和的降温措施。
- By contrast , the american heart association favors slower , gentler cooling of heatstroke victims .
- 虽然大量喝水可能会起到一定作用,但即使在不脱水的情况下也可能发生中暑,尤其是你在运动的时候。
- Although drinking plenty of water can help , you can still get heatstroke even if you aren 't dehydrated , particularly while exercising .