- 《神之干预》是一部心理悬疑小说,讲述了一群具有超自然能力的政府特工追猎一个不列颠哥伦比亚连环纵火犯的故事,影射了受困于寄养所的弃儿所面临的悲剧,涉及虐待、堕胎和谋杀等话题。
- Divine intervention is a psychic suspense novel . It is the story of a group of psychic government agents hunting for a serial arsonist in bc . It carries a message about what can happen to abandoned children caught in the foster care web , and deals with topics such as abuse , abortion , and murder .
- 他就如同一个享乐主义者鼓吹审慎和节制,一个有神论者拒绝神的干预和灵魂的生存,以及一个原子论者坚持机制和自由意志。
- He is at once a hedonist who preaches prudence and temperance , a theist who rejects divine intervention and the survival of the soul , and an atomist who upholds both mechanism and free will .
- 毫不夸张,有时马里兰州的一个社区组织者洛基德尔曼会带领一队人在加油站祈祷,请求神的帮助。
- Sometimes literally : rocky twyman , a community organiser from maryland , leads group prayers at petrol stations to beg for divine intervention .