- 博客强调了米歇尔的服饰搭配才能:颜色、高低等品牌、知名和不知名设计师的完美搭配。
- The blog emphasises mrs obama 's sartorial talents as a combiner of colours , high and low labels , and famous and obscure designers .
- 一个人可以支持很多的公益事业,其中大多数是有价值且值得为之的,尽管其中一些可能相当琐碎模糊。
- One can support umpteen causes , most of which are worthy and deserving , whereas some can be rather frivolous and obscure .
- 不幸的是,互联网、尤其是博客则切除和阻碍专业知识,因为互连网最突出的特性就是消除了媒介的界限:距离、经验、教育和智慧。
- Unfortunately , the internet in general , and blogs in particular , eviscerate [ = remove ] and obscure expertise because the internet 's most distinctive feature is the elimination of mediating boundaries : of distance , experience , education , and intelligence .