- 他们抱怨说借款人只能提前支付一小部分物品的价值。
- They complain that moneylenders advance only a fraction of the item 's value .
- 其助手称最近的金融危机是推进他的议程的机会。
- Aides say he sees the recent crisis an opportunity to advance his agenda .
- 技术进步带来了快速的业内整合。
- Technological advance led to rapid consolidation .
- 有巨大的社会压力要求提拔女性。
- There is huge social pressure to promote women .
- 争论的气氛能提升灵活度。
- The contentious atmosphere can promote flexibility .
- 这又如何能促进经济的增长?
- How does that promote growth ?
- 山西和广东都在成立能源基金,而四川希望成立一只科技基金。
- Both shanxi and guangdong are launching energy funds while sichuan hopes to establish a technology fund .
- 官员们指责山西的大煤矿和化工业的排放物导致了那里的问题。
- Officials blame emissions from shanxi 's large coal and chemical industry for the problems there .
- 数年来,山西省一直设法整顿采煤业一团混乱的局面。
- Shanxi has been trying to restore order to its chaotic coal business for years .