- 距地球436光年的昴宿星团是离我们最近的恒星星团,在天文学家确定更远的天体距离时,它扮演了重要角色。
- At a distance of about 436 light-years from earth , the pleiades is one of the closest star clusters and plays an important role in determining distances to astronomical bodies further away .
- 木星在月亮右上方(在会合之中),灿烂的金星在是佩雷拉宝剑的下面,而昴宿星团却在佩雷拉的头顶。
- Jupiter is to the upper right of the moon ( in conjunction ) , brilliant venus is below pereira 's sword and the pleiades star cluster is at top .
- 在这张经过数字处理的照片中,多重曝光的天体风景经过合成,同时展现了明亮的月球表面和相对较暗的昴星团的细节。
- In the processed digital image , multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to show details of the bright lunar surface along with the pleiades stars .