- 赵其国院士与土肥所科研人员在田间进行土壤考察。
- Academician qi-guo zhao and researchers of soil and fertilizer institute inspect soil in feild .
- 时代需求为赵树理文学主张和实践提供了广阔的天地、肥沃的土壤。
- The reguirement of the times provided wide space and rich soil for zhao shuli ? S literary advocation and practice .
- “全能神”教由一个叫赵维山的人于上世纪90年代初在河南省创立,之后传遍了全国。
- The church of almighty god was founded in china 's henan province in the early 1990s by a man called zhao weishan and has spread throughout the country .