- 这样,母性中隐含的价值又必然与不顾一切地谋取暴利且具竞争性的“男性价值”起冲突。
- Then too , the values implicit in motherhood were bound to clash with the " male values " of competitiveness and devil-may-care profiteering .
- 因此,我们能够利用资本主义来谋生,不是去投机取巧谋取暴利,而是真诚地服务于他人,同时,在赚取利润的过程中,我们可以无损于他人。
- So we can earn a living through capitalism , not by profiteering but by genuinely servicing others and in the process of producing a profit we can do no harm .
- 其它政府机构(如掌握实权的国家发改委)辩称,通胀是运输和基础设施瓶颈、以及投机和价格操纵的结果。
- Other government agencies , such as the powerful national development and reform commission , argue inflation is a result of transport and infrastructure bottlenecks as well as profiteering and price manipulation .